Keep on Rockin’ and Empower Yourself

Rockin’– hard, punk, new and awesome.  I’m moving forward, attempting to  knock my reader’s socks off their toes, but first I have to know who my readers are!  Until now they have been fellow writers, but in this blog, I am attempting to meet new demands and topics that will open the abyss to any topic that can give a  sense of awesome, comfort and interest.  First I must tell you about myself.

I have not written anything too personal about myself, but now maybe it’s time.  This isn’t easy for me, as I have always reserved that right for my closest friends and family.  I hope to have a new family- people who share interests in all topics from cooking to sex.  I am a people person, and have worked as  an Empowerment Specialist for most of my adult life.   So what empowers me?

In the past year and a half I have learned a lot about myself.  The saying, “better late than never” really does apply to me.  I have gone through my life with blinders on, or cotton in my ears. I never listened to my own words I gave to others.  I saw, but I really didn’t see who I was as a person,.  I knew who I was as a mother, a wife, a friend. I thought I knew who I was until I was alone for the first time. I didn’t feel empowered at all.  I felt weak in just about every area of my personal self.

When my husband of sixteen years and I split, I found myself having to rely on me.  He did everything for me from fixing lawnmowers to fixing my computer.  I didn’t know or care to know anything about the mechanics of things and how they work.  I didn’t have to.  He was a fixer of all trades, so why should I worry, right? Hah!  My first blunder was not learning or paying attention to the details of how things  work.  My Mr. Fix-It was gone, and when I moved, so did my computer!  OMG, what an ordeal for me to plug it in and get it running with all its wires and add-ons.  My mind was crazy with “oh shit” remarks and “damn it’s”.  I was angry at him for leaving me in this lurch and feeling of total helplessness.  I blamed him for my stupidity.  Once the anger subsided, and I did get the computer working, I laughed and told myself that never again would I be so dependent on another person to fix my problems.  The reality was that my issues weren’t his fault, but mine.

The computer may be a minor detail to you, but for me it served as the catalyst to get myself together.   How did I make major decisions without consulting my best friend  – my ex- husband, when he was no longer available to me as a friend, a lover or anything?  On came the tears and the loneliness, and again I blamed him for my insecurities and difficult path to making decisions for myself. I missed that part of us, because we had always made decisions together.  Now I faced them alone.

Questions of where should I live, what could  I afford, worries about if my credit would  withstand the up-coming months of supporting myself  all came to me in waves  of despair and depression.  I nearly lost my business, my home, and my financial security.  I was a mess.  Life was not fair.  Life was not good.  I started going to a support group, and that turned me around.  I learned that if I sat back and looked at what I had done up to that point, I was  surviving.  I did make reasonable decisions on my own, and I could be a grownup.

In a few short months, I learned more about the computer, I had managed to keep my business afloat, I began writing again after several years of procrastination, I found a nice place to live, and managed to save my home we shared, and moved in after months of fighting for a home modification loan I could afford.  I did all these things without him.  I was beginning to feel pretty kick ass!

In the next few posts, I will be talking to you about empowering your life, and taking charge again of who you are.  Empowerment comes in many forms and in many ways.  I am interested in your story and how you overcame a weakness in an area in your life.

About Cindi Pugliese

I'm a frustrated writer, tweaking and churning the pen to paper or words to screen. I love to write, put my thoughts out there, and touch base with other writers. Editor, and copywriter for websites and novels.

Posted on October 20, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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